Covid-19 Policies and Procedures

Covid-19 Policies and Procedures

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What a year 2020 has been so far. It's tough to imagine trying to carry out big life events, as planned in these trying times. At Titus Touch Music, we want you to feel safe and secure on your "big day". We've outlined our safety measures and procedures below.


  • All DJ equipment is cleaned with disinfectant solutions, and we will continue to do so during events and after each use. 
  • All team members will wear masks while at events.
  • Dj’s are stocked with sanitizing wipes and hand sanitizer. 
  • To reduce the interaction with others, we will be implementing the 6ft distancing rule whenever possible. 
  • We will be replacing hugs at the end of the night with ‘elbow bumps.’
  • Microphones will be sanitized between uses.
  • Any staff that is sick or does not feel well are asked to remain at home until they are medically cleared to return to work. 

We want to thank you for your continued support and trust in us! We strive to be your event solution for you and your guests while providing you with the ultimate event experience. We will continue to deliver great service while following our standard way of operating and implementing new procedures to help battle the spread of Covid-19. 

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